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the wagon"Antique White House" is a very unique Steampunk world. It is a society with libertine customs and a technological standard comparable to our nineteenth century, with elements of the twentieth.
President John F. Kennedy reigns over a country named Americania.
Like many, he believes he remembers a past life, which once ended in Dallas, USA.

Numerous works of "Antique White House" have emerged over the years. Some under the title of "Tales from the White House" or "The Adventures of John F. Kennedy." These albums are often quickly sold out due to limited editions, but are regularly reprinted, making it a treasure hunt for collectors and comic book lovers. Holding on to insight can sometimes be a bit tricky.
The series is divided into subseasons, each with a unique graphic identity.


Cover of Selenas Song"White House Classics"

Produced between 2001 and 2007, these 4 albums tell the life of JFK surrounded by his spouses, women, and men. Classical ink art with black outlines and ink colors, drawn on paper. 

The Titles are :

 1. Saturnalia

2. The Horses of Narragansett,

3. Empire of darkness

4. Selenas' Song

A panel of Riverboat"Riverboat."

Launched in 2014, this series changes both its graphic style and the lifespan of the main characters.

John and Aldo embark on a Steam Riverboat en route to the mythical city of Lysastra. They hope to find the trace of an ancient poem there and decipher it.
This epic season was created during my Foot-and-donkey Pilgrimage in  Italy and thus by the limited resources and art tools that could be transported in saddle bags.
A special twist is the appearance of Mallie, the talking cat.
Water Color and pencils on paper.

You can read Riverboat online here New window
Printed books here

Following the findings of their adventure in Riverboat, John and Aldo head to Fynsterland, a german country nestled in a vast mountain range.

Goal is to prevent a group of RAF terrorists from abducting a businessman. To that effect, Aldo wants to infiltrate the band itself.
The Art is Watercolors, color pencils and paper.
Cover Basement of DoomPunchouts - basement of Doom

A one shot (?) Story nearer to the classic Super Hero Comic Books than the Graphic Novels of the orther seasons.
The beginning of the digital art era : Action laden and drawn on tablett .

"Basement of Doom," is certainly one of the most unusual stories in the series, both in terms of its art style and its content. We dive into the superhero kingdom as John F takes on Putin and his accomplices. Inspired by the tradition of old comics and cartoons from the Second World War era, where heroes fought the Nazis and Hitler. 

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The story will be published as paper comic book, and can be read online on Pre-release on my patreon site ! New window

Copyright 2023 by Diana Kennedy